Friday, 10 June 2011

computers portfolio hand in !!!! with a bit of design pics for my bio kinetics buuilding !!

this portfolio was a different one for me as i have never made a video before or an animation of any of my designs and it was very fun and time consuming to put it all together and see the outcome but it was great fun :) we had to do 3dmax animations of our design and do still renderings of an interior room which was pretty boring i am not going to lie .

here is what my computers portfolio looked like :)

and this was the more fun part of my portfolio but still was stressfull as always !!!

sleep was well needed after this portfolio was handed in :)
and now its just 1 more portfolio left and still alot of work to be done but will have to see how it goes just got to keep on working and hard !!!!


We had to research a new concrete and steel construction method over seas based and local based .
finding an overseas based product was very easy lots to choose from but to find something local was very hard !!! but i found methods from both local and abroad :)
this was a very good project as it will help us in our design for next semester in terms of new methods and ways of construction. here are the methods i found !!

this is my presentation i put together :) enjoy !!!

the pressure of portfolio times kicking in !!!!

this is the time when we start moving into the labs and start to settle down for very long hard hours !!!!
here are just some pics of what our labs look like in the early hours of the morning :)

this time of the year is tough !!!!!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


For this project we have to compare the boardwalk and the nmmu south campus.
with regards to the intigration, spacial aspects and the physical antributes.

it was a tricky project as none of us really know what the lecture want as we are still trying to find out how he thinks and what he means by comparing these issues with the two buildings.

i have come up with this argument or this comparasin and have been told that its not bad i just need to have more of an argument with the comparasin side of it . like i really understood what the lecture meant !!!!!

But this is what i first came up with  :)

Monday, 9 May 2011


For our latest construction project we had to research a relative new curtain wall cladding material and then apply the material to an existing building of your choice in Mbeki Street city centre, Port Elizabeth.

I chose a system called the LIQUID WALL SYSTEM .

video presentation done on the prototype made and a detailed section of the wall panels.

i still need to finish up the detailing process and touch up the rest for the portfolio at the end of the semester.


Our class went on a tour to wilderness and knysa to learn about the modern types of building and new ways of design .  The class had a good time bonding together and REALLY had a good night in knysa !!!! I learnt a lot and it was a good eye opener to new ways and materials of design .

here are some of the pics from our tour :)

pics of a house in Wilderness


some social events we did as a class